Examples of Flow Charts

How to Drive Home: A simple flow chart for getting home.


  • EnterCar then StartEngine
  • StartEngine then "Did it start?"
  • "Did it start?" yes then DriveHome
  • "Did it start?" no then "Try again?"
  • "Try again?" yes then StartEngine
  • "Try again?" no then Panic
  • DriveHome then Done


How to create a flow chart - plus horizontal flow: Step by step


  • Start then ThinkAboutSteps
  • ThinkAboutSteps then WriteFirstStep
  • WriteFirstStep then "Is there a condition next?"
  • "Is there a condition next?" yes then "Goto Condition 1"
  • "Is there a condition next?" no then NextStep
  • NextStep then Etc
  • "Goto Condition 1" then Etc
  • Etc then AdInifinitum
