Examples of Entity Relationship Diagrams

Homepage Example Car: A simple example of "is", "uses" and "contains"


  • Car contains one Engine
  • Car uses Petrol
  • Engine contains many SparkPlug
  • Petrol is Fuel


Homepage Example Man: A simple example of "has", "has many", "has optional" and "has a/one"


  • Human has a Head
  • Head has optional Hat
  • Human has one Torso
  • Torso has many Arm
  • Torso has many Leg
  • Arm has one Hand
  • Leg has one Foot
  • Hand has many Finger
  • Foot has many Toe


Self-references: Entities can reference themselves...


  • Entity is Entity
  • Human is Entity


Demo - School: A simple conceptual data model for a school


  • class has many student
  • student has many lesson
  • teacher has many student
  • teacher is staff
  • cecile is boss
  • cecile has many teacher


Demo - Great Apes: An example of Inheritance Taxonomy (using the "from" verb - short for 'inherits from"), as well as taxonomic class membership for the Great Apes, including humans.


  • Hominidae from Hominoidea
  • Homininae from Hominidae
  • Hominini from Homininae
  • Human is Hominini
  • Chimpanzee is Hominini
  • Gorilla is Homininae
  • Orangutan is Hominidae
  • Gibbon is Hominoidea


Visualise XML Structures (coming soon!): Pidgin helpers can convert other data formats into pidgin: The "XML to Pidgin" helper converts XML documents so you can visualise their structure. This example is a sitemap.xml structure.


  • url has loc
  • url has changefreq
  • url has priority
  • urlset has many url
  • url has lastmod
  • document has urlset


Infer Database Schemas (advanced - coming soon!): The "Infer DB Schema to Pidgin" helper can convert lists of DB tables and column references into a visual schema based on naming conventions enabling you to see schemas even when the database has no foreign key constraints!


  • audits has many audit_deltas
  • bundles has many bundles_studylists
  • bundles has many packages_bundles
  • bundles has many users_bundles
  • carts has many cart_lines
  • groups has many users
  • invoices has many invoice_lines
  • invoices has many invoice_transactions
  • package_feature_groups has many package_features
  • package_features has many packages_package_features
  • package_subscriptions has many promotions
  • package_subscriptions has many users_package_subscriptions
  • package_tiers has many packages
  • packages has many package_subscriptions
  • packages has many packages_bundles
  • packages has many packages_package_features
  • packages has many users_packages
  • partners has many users
  • users has many users_bundles
  • users has many invoices


Website Information Architecture: An example of a website IA for site designers


  • "Homepage" has "Footer"
  • "Homepage" has "Top Menu"
  • "Homepage" has "Homepage Body"
  • "Homepage Body" has "Blog News Summary"
  • "Footer" has "Privacy Policy"
  • "Top Menu" has "1. About Us"
  • "Footer" has "Contact Us"
  • "1. About Us" has "1.1 History & Mission"
  • "1. About Us" has "1.2 Staff"
  • "1. About Us" has "1.3 Blog Recent Posts"
  • "Top Menu" has "2. Program & Services"
  • "2. Program & Services" has "2.1 Overview"
  • "2. Program & Services" has "2.2 Great Programme A"
  • "2. Program & Services" has "2.3 Great Programme Z"
